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I wouldn't mind having something like the Extar for HD, though. I love shotguns, but I wouldn't personally make one my primary for HD. AR-15s and other rifles are starting to have a big advantage with the advent of pistol caliber carbines and AR-15 pistols. These lower the cons of length and ammo considerations. Plus now there are a lot of affordable yet reliable manufacturers. Our favorite pump-action shotgun is the Mossberg 590A1.

I went and found a 10 round mag - It's a beast of a shotgun and like most chinese guns - heavy - and somewhat reliable... I’ve had the Mossberg 500 pump and have upgraded to the Benelli M4 Titanium and I can attest that BOTH make fantastic home defense, sporting and general plinking shotguns. I always look forward to seeing new articles fro PewPew come through! Just as a suggestion - you should really have someone proof read your content before distributing. If you go the tactical shotgun route remember that like every weapon you need to train with it to be effective.
Best Bullpup Shotgun: Kel-Tec KSG
Plus, with a tactical flashlight shining in the intruder’s eyes, I don’t think it makes much difference what he or she hears. I have a Wilson Combat on a rack on the bed frame loaded with #4 shot. It would only be used inside at relatively close ranges.

When you limp-wrist because of terrible grip and the gun doesn't have enough energy to cycle the next round in. I wasted my day trying to figure out 9.38 caliber. USCCA Self Defense insurance is no longer available in Washington State. Our Insurance Commissioner stopped that for now.
Rifled Choke Tubes: What You Need to Know | An Official Journal Of The NRA
When you pattern a shotgun you learn how the pellets hit over different distances. The old rule 1-inch for every yard is not always accurate. Again, chokes and ammo selection causes a lot of variances here. Most common in a cylinder bore design for a good reason, chokes work best with loads designed for hunting and less for modern tactical loads. On a home defense or tactical shotgun, chokes are not needed. Higher-end pump shotguns like the Mossberg 500 series and Remington 870 series can often be had for less than $350.

Best Handgun SafesBy the end, you’ll have a good idea of what type of gun is best for your situation and what accessories you might need. Spend as much as you want, but make sure the shotgun you buy has a decent track record for operation and safety. Round Count – Compared to other action types, a pump will often hold more shells, giving you more ammo at the ready. The beauty is you have many options at your disposal, and there is no shortage of ammunition. You can take as long as you like and ask as many people as you wish.
Hollow Point Slugs
This is a huge benefit in situations where you are aiming at moving targets or multiple targets. A typical loading of 12ga 00 buckshot fires nine .33 caliber pellets. Imagine a nine-round burst out of the MP5 sub-machine gun. Then you can start to understand why the shotgun is such a lethal.

But, anyone who has one of those contraptions in their headboard is definitely getting laid neither often enough, nor well enough. Less penetration than buck shot and more capacity. Also far easier for all family members to shoot.
We’ve narrowed the top choices in terms of accuracy, reliability, price value, and ease of maintenance. Some accessories I recommend is rail mounted lights and lasers for rapid target acquisition. I also highly recommend a sling with swivel mounts. Slings allow you to free up your hands if you need and makes it more difficult for an attacker to take your weapon from you.
I’m not willing to prepare for a possible confrontation with only 2 chances to defend myself. It might be adequate if I was home and only one person broke in. I would have to be perfectly accurate with both shots. Based on things such as lighting, heart rate, and excitement I’m not sure that I could do that (and I’m a pretty good shot).
A shotgun is only as good as the shotgunner holding it. You can focus on your target and put the red dot where you need it to be. A red dot-equipped shotgun allows for rapid and instinctive shooting. It’s an awesome little shotgun for those looking for the reliability of a pump-action with the handiness of a magazine-fed gun. The stock sports a short 12.5-inch length of pull that makes the gun easy to shoulder and use with a modern shooting stance. It’s also one of the most reliable semi-auto shotguns and is priced affordably.
Have you taken a look at the ASI Pasimax at all? Action is pretty smooth and seems like a great budget gun. If you're looking for absolute reliability and price I would go with the pump Mossberg or Remington. Feel both and see which one you like better at the gun store. Not going to lie, came here looking for advice on a home defense shotgun.
These guns are found in virtually every pawn shop, big-box store and gun store you can imagine. It is a pump action shotgun that will feed anything you try to put through it. It’s is ready for the battlefield as much as it is opening day of deer season. It may have tactical styling, but it is really an all around shotgun. Although there is not an industry mandate that all 20-gauge shotgun ammo be yellow, most every manufacturer holds to this unofficial standard. One thing you might notice is that virtually every 20 gauge shotshell is colored yellow.

Buckshot delivers the blow you need to stop an intruder. Just remember never to point your gun at someone unless you intend to pull the trigger. Buckshot is extremely lethal, and not to be used lightly.
What to look for in a Home Defense Shotgun
Buckshot, similar to but not as drastic as, slugs, will exit most houses. I did a video on home defense ammo a number of years ago using constructed walls at average home room sizes. The slugs and buck, even #4 went through several walls and exited the "house".

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